Since day one, we have kept extremely high standards of quality and professionalism and it is safe to say, that there has been no going back, our mission is to be recognized as the most trustworthy importer/exporter of Fresh perishables in Pakistan and abroad and to cater to our customers, needs always. We are continually on the lookout for new opportunities and markets to strengthen our brand and increase our efficiency. We guarantee high quality of goods in a simple yet effective process. Our teams has multiple years of experience in many types of national and international trading and are well-established in many markets in Asia in the Middle East, Europe, providing superior quality at competitive rates. We are actively involved in export marketing across various countries in the Asia continent and further, across world markets.
Business Type | |
Main Products | KINNOW, POTATOES, ONIONS, RICE, Tomato, |
City / State | Karachi |
Country | Pakistan |
Address | SHOW |
Total Employees |
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