Bir Melek Concept SRL

Company Overview

Company name: S.C. Bir Melek Concept SRL Registered office: Splaiul Independentei No. 202B Room 42 Bucharest Sector 6. Work point: Bulevardu Anul 1864 No. 69 Bucharest Sector 6. Unique registration code: R047977738 Trade Register Registration No.: J40/6970/10.04. 2023 EUID ROONRC.J40/69 70/2023 Activity objective: According to CAEN code, the activity objective of the company is 1039"processing and preservation of fruits and vegetables, more precisely the production of black garlic. The company Bir Melek Concept SRL is a limited liability company, at the moment it has one employee. Bir Melek Concept SRL produces heads of black garlic and cleaned cloves of black garlic


Company Information

Business Type
Company Bir Melek Concept SRL
Main Products Black Garlic,
City / State Bucuresti
Country Romania
Address SHOW
Total Employees