Ujwala Pharmaceutical

Company Overview

UJWALA PHARMACEUTICAL, Established in 2016 at Pune in Maharashtra, is a leading service provider of Dietary Supplements in India. UJWALA PHARMACEUTICAL is one of Trade India's verified and trusted names for listed services. With extensive experience in the field of Dietary Supplements, UJWALA PHARMACEUTICAL has made a reputed name for itself in the market with satisfactory Vitamin C Chewable Tablet, etc. Focusing on a customer-centric approach, UJWALA PHARMACEUTICAL has a pan-India presence and caters to a huge consumer base throughout the country. Get Dietary Supplements from UJWALA PHARMACEUTICAL at Trade India quality-assured services


Company Information

Business Type
Company Ujwala Pharmaceutical
Main Products Vitamin C Chewable Tablet,
City / State Pune
Country India
Address SHOW
Total Employees